To The Remnant #40
Written by Drackmas on .
To The Remnant #40. A message to our brothers and sisters going through these rough times during end days. Written from a dear sister in Jesus Christ.
1.-2 To The Remnant.
Be not dismayed, for He is The Light that gives us Sight.
Even unto the darkest hour of the night.
Have courage, and be filled with joy, For He is our defense.
Even if all the world, shall take offense. Let us remain, and be changed.
By the Power of His Name. For He shall Return, in a blink of our eyes, In a moment.
All the World, and every knee shall bow.
Let us then, give Him The Glory now.
For we know the Time is at Hand.
He is the Foundation, not built of sand, but of The Rock, which we stand, our Solid Ground.
Where All Hope is Found.
For His Word, remains Alive Today. Forever to stay.
Yet how can a tree grow in a world that it is upside down?
Can roots grow in the sky?
Can a waterfall run up a mountain and not go dry?
Can we live as though we died, and find life? Being born again, free from our sin.
He sets us free for He is the King of Kings.
For what is hidden, yet not seen and known by those who search.
How can we dwell on this earth, in a place that feels as a desert.
Seen but not yet reached, touched but not yet held.
Yet soon shall it be, in a moment not known but by Him alone.
With a promise we must not let go, holding onto the Truth.
Knowing there is no greater work to do than to freely share what has been given to you.
For there is none Greater than He who sits on the Heavenly Throne.
He is with us, even when we feel we are alone.
Mighty to Save, for there is All authority in His Name.