To The Remnant #45
Written by Drackmas on .
To The Remnant #45. A message to our brothers and sisters going through these rough times during end days. Written from a dear sister in Jesus Christ.
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Remember He is the One who is Mighty to save.
He who already conquered death and the grave.
He writes His Words upon our hearts.
He seals us by His Goodness and Grace.
By His Mercy we can seek His face.
For what good is it to warn of the dark, without speaking of The Light.
For a world in darkness needing The Light, as plants needs the sun.
In a place so cold in a world so old, many live without life.
For what lie of darkness can benefit the Light.
Is darkness not the absence of Light?
Are His Children not precious in His Sight?
It is by His Love that we are saved.
For what fellowship can we gain by looking upon the darkness that seeks to reign?
For are we not called by His Name, to give Him praise, and seek His face.
Who will say He is the Light of the world in the darkest of days.
For it is by Him alone we are Saved.
For everyone that asketh recieveth
and he that seeketh findeth.
In a time of peril and distress among nations.
In a time of tribulation and chastisement.
We must remember His promise and Covenant.
He who is Love, fills our cup and prepares a table before us even in the presence of our enemies.
Even as Ester was taken as a virgin bride and chosen among all others by the king.
We must remember the King of Kings the one who can cause our hearts sing.
Our light must not dim, nor our oil run out.
For who will speak of His return with a praise and a shout.
For our redemption draweth near, even at the doors. He who is Love remembers our sins no more, blotting them out from sea to sea and shore to shore.