Time and Choices
Written by Drackmas on .
There are only so much time. How long before you accept Jesus into your heart? Or will your time turn to dust. Gone in the wind.
What a shame it would be to gain the world but to loose your soul. With the passage of time there are no winners. Buildings fall apart. Cities crumble. A small sapling will grow to become a strong oak tree, but with the passage of time, only dust will remain. With time, you too, will become dust blown away by the wind across the four corners of the Earth. Even the works that we do will someday be gone. One day even this world will be gone, removed and replaced, to become something new again. But how will this happen? Is it by design? Who's design is it anyways? What all will pass away? What will remain? Even time is not consistent, because through the Mandela Effect we have seen that old things have been replaced in the past as if it had always been that way. As if that is how it had happened. Scriptures that were well documented and preserved have also been changing. Just like the green leaves on a tree as the summer months pass and we head into fall. They turn into shades of orange, red and brown, until we reach the season of Fall upon which the leaves fall to the ground. If the leaves are scriptures, then what do they get replaced with? What is more important, the leaves or the tree that grows them? Just as the leaves are important for getting nourishment from the sunlight, scriptures were important for learning about Jesus and our Father in Heaven. One day the scriptures will not be needed anymore, so they will be removed and be replaced by something else. The same way a tree grows new leaves in the spring. Maybe God is the Oak tree, we are the branches, and the fruit (or leaves) is the result of of our relationship with him. Works that are also a result of the change we have made in our lives. We are not the same as we once were, having been changed and made new again. I'm not even sure of where I'm going with this. All I know is that the world is failing, time is no longer accurate, and the only thing that is consistent is that God never changes no matter what takes place. It should be an easy choice to make between choosing our Father in Heaven and the world, but we already see the choices that have been made in the past. The same way people continue to make choices right here and now in the present.
You too will have to make a choice. It may not be today, may not be tomorrow, but one day you will have to choose if you are following God or not. If not, then by default you have already made a choice because you are not following Him. One day you will not be given the opportunity to make a choice, because the time of decisions will already have passed. Just like everything else passes away, your time of decisions will be gone.
It will be the choices that you make that will determine where you spend for eternity, because this process will never be repeated again. All of this spiraled out of control when sins entered the world and man was cast out of the Garden of Eden. The same series of events that unfolded in the beginning will not take place upon new Earth, so the choices you make here and now will determine where you end up for the rest of time. Some seem to think that when people get thrown in the lake of fire that you will be snuffed out and cease to exist, but from what I have learned reading scriptures the torment will be upon you both day and night giving you no way to rest. Not even the comfort of cold water will be there for you. I'm not even typing this with the intention of fear in mind, but it's just logical to think of the beginning where we came from to the end result we will arrive to depending upon the choices that are made. In this case there are only two outcomes no matter what anyone else will tell you.
Jesus once said, "I am the way, the truth, and the light, no man cometh to the Father except through me."