To The Remnant #5

To The Remnant #5. A message to our brothers and sisters going through these rough times during end days. Written from a dear sister in Jesus Christ.

The Revelations Effect.

{ 4.} To The Remnant

For in a time of peril there He is, now and Forever.
Do not be afraid.
As the Birds sing, and the fish swim,
There He is again.
In all that has been Created from the beginning, there He is.
His Creation bears witness to His Glorious name.
All of His Creation proclaims.
For The Creator so loved the World, He gave His only Begotten Son,
That whom shall ever believeth in Him, shall not perish but have Everlasting life.
We once were lost, yet now we are found,
We once were blind, yet now we see.

For He took our place.
We are Redeemed by Grace, Saved By Mercy,
Transformed by Love, born again.
Free from the death of sin.

As He forgives us of our trespasses, let us forgive those who trespass against us.
For our Sins He blots out, remembering them no more.
From sea to sea, shore to shore.
Whom the Son sets Free, is Free indeed.
His yoke is easy, and His burden is light.
Now may the Lord take delight in Thee.
May He smile, and see thy heart.
For it is better give than to receive, and it is He
who gives so freely.

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