To The Remnant #14

To The Remnant #14. A message to our brothers and sisters going through these rough times during end days. Written from a dear sister in Jesus Christ.

Revelations Effect: The Remnant : Signs of The times.
We know from The Words of Christ, that the the hour is nigh.
We feel it in our spirit, and in our steps, This world is not how it seems, or how it was.
A mystery to many, but now not to us.
We were told the hearts of men would grow cold.
As in the days of Noah, many do not see the hour, or the lion seeking to devour.
Yet still we must continue praying for those who are unaware, planting seeds of truth.
For we do not want the day to come upon them like a thief, and a snare.

We see these lying signs and wonders. By His Grace alone.
For His Kingdom is our true home.
Let us continue in faith and pray we may finish the race.
By His Mercy and Grace, were our Hope abides.
Enduring until the end. For He alone is our Salvation.
For He is the Truth, and The Way to Everlasting Life. He is The Light of the World.
If He The Creator of all life. If He is with us, who than can stand against us?

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