To The Remnant #13

To The Remnant #13. A message to our brothers and sisters going through these rough times during end days. Written from a dear sister in Jesus Christ.

The Revelations Effect. The Remnant
The words, on the page.
No longer say you “Shall” be saved.
Written with ink and pen.
Now a great delusion.

What is it then, for the hearts of all who seek.
Yet do not seem to find, let them knock I pray before the final time.
What can the righteous do, when such evil as has sought to devour?
Oh Let us hear your Words I pray, in this hour.

For where there is a famine, there is also a feast.
For those who earnestly seek.
Blessed are those that thirst for righteousness,.
For they shall thirst no more.
From sea to sea, and shore to shore.

We having Christ, and the The Holy Spirit, who dwells within.
Let us not lean on pages, written with ink and pen.
Let us be as Children,
Remembering our Heavenly Father Above,
Forgetting not we are loved.

For He is a Good Shepard, who has been preparing His flock.
For this very, hour, and for this very day.
He sealed His Words in our hearts
Forever to stay.

Behold, a thief has come, not for money,
nor for gold, but for the Truth.
Let us not grow weary, nor faint.
For He is our Refuge, and Strength.

We were warned of a great delusion.
Let us not be deceived, by ink and pen.
For He is our Shepard and our Salvation.

Lord give to us this day our daily bread
For it is only by your Spirit we are fed.
Let us not have leaven, but only your Words from

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