To The Remnant #38
Written by Drackmas on .
To The Remnant #38. A message to our brothers and sisters going through these rough times during end days. Written from a dear sister in Jesus Christ.
To The Remnant
He who is Love sits on the Heavenly Throne.
His Love endures all things, By this Love His Kingdom Shall endure forever.
On earth as it is in Heaven.
His Will shall be done.
He is the Rock of our Salvation.
Let us be unmovable, as a burdensome stone to all those who come against the Truth in us.
As a tree that has roots that will not snap or break even if the earth is stretched thin.
As a tree that stands by Faith knowing its by His Grace we are saved.
Who’s roots are Faithful, and True praying to endure all things until the end. Let us be as a orchard that bears good fruit.
For He is the King of Kings, Author of our Salvation.
As sheep gone astray we were once lost, though now we are as found.
The Good Shepard who watches His flock without ceasing and with loving care.
Even as David defended his sheep from the bears and snares of the wilderness.
So is our Savior, always there Mighty to Save those who seek His face.
While it can be found, before the final trumpet sounds.
Those with ears to hear and eyes to see, that the end is near.
Must be steadfast as a running river of water always moving, flowing and growing, not as a pond that is stagnant and still.
Yet being unmovable as hill and mountain top reaching for the sun.
Knowing with Him the battle is already won.
This world is not our home.
We are in it, but not of it.
Separated as day is from night.
Shining as stars so bright.
Walking by the spirit and not by sight.
Going down to the river to pray, up to a mountain top to say.
Glory Glory to the King of Kings, let our heart sing, a new song.
For He is the one and only King of Kings to whom we belong.