To The Remnant #24
Written by Drackmas on .
To The Remnant #24. A message to our brothers and sisters going through these rough times during end days. Written from a dear sister in Jesus Christ.
The Remnant.
Let us take delight in the Heavenly Father always.
For His yoke is easy and His burden is light.
For He is the Light of the world.
In Him you will find no darkness.
For He is our Salvation, He is The Truth, and the Way.
The Joy of Heavenly Father is our Strength.
Why forsake goodness for lies, a snare set before our eyes.
Demons masquerading as light.
What fellowship should light have with darkness.
For a thief has come in the night, for more then pages and ink.
As a lion who seeks to steal the Truth, and blot out the Light.
Do we not reap that which has been sown?
For He is our only Refuge, this world is not our home.
Life and death is in the tongue.
Let us not forget His promises.
In The Truth there is no lie.
In Him there is Freedom absolute, for The Truth sets us free.
We are beautifully and wonderfully made.
For He created the earth, in The Beginning it was Good.
For He is alone is Holy and He alone is Good.
We cannot purify the flesh, we can only surrender ourselves daily, to the victory of His Name.
Striving to walk in the Spirit.
To die to the flesh is gain, for there is all authority in His Name.
He is the Truth, in Him there is all freedom, and that which brings Life.
Let our minds be renewed, and our hearts take delight.
For we are not without a home, or left without comfort or alone.
For we have the Truth, for the Holy Spirit dwells within us.
Who then can stand against us?
His perfect Love casts out all fear.
By a cry of conviction, and repentance, a heart no longer stone.
We cannot boast for by the Holy Spirit alone. In repentance seeds are sown, that reap the fruits of the spirit.
That which is patient, long suffering, full of grace and mercy slow to anger, yet quick to love.
Not keeping records of wrongs, for its only by Him we are made strong. For even with all knowledge, without love we are a brass sounding gong.
Let us not forget our First Love.
For He so loved us first, even before the creation of the Earth.
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