To The Remnant #25

To The Remnant #25. A message to our brothers and sisters going through these rough times during end days. Written from a dear sister in Jesus Christ.

Let us go forward in freedom no longer held by the lies of our captivity.
For whom the Son of God sets free, is free indeed.
To die to the flesh, is to be born again, In Spirit and Truth.
No longer desiring what we once sought.
Rather, leaving behind the old man, and what was, to hope for the new.
Leaning not on our own understanding, but walking as children do.
In Faith knowing its only by Grace we are saved, as He took our place.
The Joy of the Lord is our Strength.
For He is the Author and finisher of our faith and where our Help comes from.
In Him you will find comfort and Rest.
So let us be anxious in nothing, but in everything prayer and supplication.
To our Father in Heaven Holy be Thy Name.
Thy Kingdom Come Thy Will be done. On Earth as it is in Heaven
His Words are without blemish, beautiful and True, never to be changed.For He is the same, today and forever, always to remain.

For what has been lost, that has not already been found?
Sealed now, forever within our hearts.
Men were no created for a purpose such as this.
Returning again and again, to ink and pen to confirm salvation.
By faith, and not by sight Peter walked on water.
Keeping His eyes steadfast on Christ.
‘In all thy ways, acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths.'
We are not blind to the ways of the enemy.
Let us not return to our old captivity.
We know of the changing of seasons and times.
We were warned only a heathen looks for signs.
We having the Holy Spirit who dwells in us have The Truth.
The Truth is as a sword that separates good from evil, Light from dark.
We having the Truth in our heart abide in the Light and do not walk in darkness.
For He is the Way The Truth and the Life.
He creates each day, and stops the arrow by night.
Let us proclaim The Truth, for what other good is there to do? " 'Behold I am coming quickly and my reward is with me,
to give to everyone according to there works it shall be.’

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