To The Remnant #9

To The Remnant #9. A message to our brothers and sisters going through these rough times during end days. Written from a dear sister in Jesus Christ.

The Revelations Effect.
For: The Remnant

Be not dismayed, for He is The Light that gives us Sight.
Even unto the darkest hour of the night.

Have courage, and be filled with joy, For He is our defense.
Even if all the world, shall take offense.
Let us remain, and be changed.
By the Power of His Name.
For He shall Return, in a blink of our eyes, In a moment.
All the World, and every knee shall bow.
Let us then, give Him The Glory now.

For we know the Time is at Hand.
He is the Foundation, not built of sand,
but of The Rock, which we stand, our Solid Ground.
Where All Hope is Found.

Leaning not on pages, or on things written, or things seen to be taken away.
For His Word, remains Alive Today. Forever to stay.
The Word which is Christ.
Who dwells in our hearts and Brings Abundant Life.

Do not fear, the arrow by day, or the evil by night.
For His Mercy, is as running waters, beautiful and True.
May His Peace that surpasses all understanding
Be a Shield, and a Comfort to you.

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