To The Remnant #22
Written by Drackmas on .
To The Remnant #22. A message to our brothers and sisters going through these rough times during end days. Written from a dear sister in Jesus Christ.
The Remnant
Your Words shall never depart. Sealed forever in our hearts.
You are The Good Shepard. You lead us down the path of righteousness.
For your Name sake, we shall speak the Truth.
Forgetting not the lessons of our youth.
Going forward in heavenly pursuit.
Dying to the flesh and what was.
Born again, walking in the Spirit and Truth.
You plan our ways and your Words light our steps.
Its only by your grace we are kept.
For there is no end to your depth.
For your arms outstretched go far beyond the earth.
We are as vapors. Seeing only in part, yet abiding in full.
For He preparest a table before us even in the presence our enemies:
Thou anointest our heads with oil; our cup runneth over.
For we are not without promise, Mercy or Grace.
By His Love a covenant was made.
For how much bigger is our Heavenly Father above.
His Words shall never fail or depart
Forget not that He sealed them in thy heart.
Let us be sober and vigilant.
Watchful of the season, yet turning our eyes from observing the lying signs.
For what wonder is there in what the enemy has sown through illusions?
Tribulations, not just on the earth, but of the mind.
A delusion, mingled with seeds of lies sown by confusion.
Let no one deceive you, by a snare of wonder.
A double minded man will be a unstable in all his ways.
Let us not go astray forfeiting The Truth of God for a lie.
Growing bitter from its tainted waters, and drunk on the wrath of lies.
For what other victory is there, other than that which sets us free?
For whom the Son of God sets free, is Free indeed.
Let us not return to our old captivity.
For those who are blind, that think they can see.
For those who see yet still are blind.
Test and trails against the mind.
For we cannot find solitude in lies.
Only In Him where The Truth abides, brings rest and abundant Life.