To The Remnant #23
Written by Drackmas on .
To The Remnant #23. A message to our brothers and sisters going through these rough times during end days. Written from a dear sister in Jesus Christ.
Let us be sober and vigilant.
Watchful of the season, yet turning our eyes from observing the lying signs.For what wonder is there in what the enemy has sown through illusions?Tribulations, not just on the earth, but of the mind.
A delusion, mingled with seeds of lies sown by confusion.Let no one deceive you, by a snare of wonder. A double minded man will be a unstable in all his ways.
Let us not go astray forfeiting The Truth of God for a lie.
Growing bitter from its tainted waters, and drunk on the wrath of lies. For what other victory is there, other than that which sets us free?For whom the Son of God sets Free, is Free indeed.
Let us not return to our old captivity.
For those who are blind, that think they can see.
For those who see yet still are blind.
Test and trials against the mind.
For we cannot find solitude in lies.
Only In Him where The Truth abides, brings rest and abundant Life.
Our Heavenly Father above renew our hearts by your Love.
Transform our minds.
For man cannot live by bread alone.
Without your Words, we are alone.
Yet there is no famine for us. For by your Spirit we are fed, by your Spirit we are lead.
In a foreign land that is not our home.
Let us not be as dry bones. Your breath brought life.
Your Words of the Promise Land of milk and honey.
We don’t not need to wander to and fro about the earth Or hunger and thirst as if were again in the desert.
As the multitude was fed by only a total of seven, fish and loaves of bread.
Miracles were given in each season throughout time. Saving the best for last. Even as the water was turned to wine.
Blessed are the righteous, and those who diligently seek Him, for they shall find. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow them all the days of there lives.