To The Remnant #11
Written by Drackmas on .
To The Remnant #11. A message to our brothers and sisters going through these rough times during end days. Written from a dear sister in Jesus Christ.
The Revelations Effect.
{ 1.5.} The Remnant
What is it then, for the hearts of all who seek.
Yet do not seem to find, let them knock I pray before the final time.
What can the righteous do in this hour, when such evil as this has sought to devour?
What can one do against thousands, what can one do against a flood of lies?
Is the flesh not weak, are bodies not frail?
Is the flesh not weak, can bones not break?
Yet For His name Sake, He always will Prevail.
Let us be filled with the Holy Spirit.
We having The Truth, knowing the Victory
of the Cross, that was given at such a great cost.
In the Midst of these trials and tribulations.
His Heavenly Mercy beautiful and True,
With outstretched arms reaches for you.
For He so loved us first.
Even before the foundations of the earth.
The Truth given by the Spirit.
His Word Shall never pass away, it is our daily bread.
By His Spirit we are fed. He is the Word.
We need no pages, inks, or pens.
For He is The Almighty, The Alpha Omega, The Beginning and the End.
The prayer of one who is righteousness availeth much.
Let us than seek to be Righteous, as He is Righteous and True.
For in Him, there is Absolute Freedom, His Word Prevails.
Even in the famine that is here.
No cry is to soft, no prayer to small, that He does not hear.
No evil too great, no scheme too grand.
Can remove us from His Holy Hands.
He carries the World upon His shoulders.
He is The Rock on which we stand.
His thoughts for His Children outnumber the grains of sand.
Can any darkness, or valley of shadow.
Defeat Light of The World? Surely It cannot.
For the Victory is His alone.
No flesh or blood, no power or principalities, no evil from above, or below.
Will remove Him from The Heavenly Throne.
By Grace we Stand
Never to be removed from His Holy Hands.