To The Remnant #20
Written by Drackmas on .
To The Remnant #20. A message to our brothers and sisters going through these rough times during end days. Written from a dear sister in Jesus Christ.
Revelations Effect- The Remnant --- Now whatsoever: is pure, Holy, righteousness, and True, and of good report. Let us think on this these, renewing our hearts, and mind in Him.
What builds and edifies the spirit. Leaning not on our own understanding, rather waking by faith and not by sight. As Peter walking in the spirit, on the water above the lies.
Keeping his eyes fixed on Christ. Not looking to the left or right, or turning not unto: fables, doctrines of demons, or seducing spirits seeking to sow confusion.
For we were told there will be great delusion in those days, and lying signs and wonders.
If it were possible even the elect could be deceived
For how can lies edify us? Can a stone be bread by which we are fed? We do not live by bread alone, but by His Words given by the Holy Spirit now sealed in our hearts.
He gives a heart of flesh where there once was stone.
He restores our soul: He leads us in the path of righteousness for His name's sake.
He is our Rest, our Strong Tower, and Refuge.
Let us edify one another, building each other up in faith, hope and love. For He is Love. In Him we are one body. With Him we can do all things.
We were not warned, were we not told? Let us not forget. For a thief as come, not for money, nor for gold, but for the Truth. Let us guard ourselves. Seeking to do do that which is Good, for He is Good, and He is our salvation