To The Remnant #2
Written by Drackmas on .
To The Remnant #2. A message to our brothers and sisters going through these rough times during end days. Written from a dear sister in Jesus Christ.
The Revelation's Effect.
To The Remnant
Let us now go forward, continually proclaiming the Victory of the Cross.
The One who died , and who was given at great cost.
We are no longer lost, for we have been found.
He alone is our solid ground, Forever Unchanged.
There is all Authority in His Name.
Alpha Omega, Beginning and End.
Savoir, and Friend.
Let us remember, The Lamb who was slain, The One who has Risen.
Let us proclaim the Victory of Christ’s Name.
He Heals the Sick, He Binds the broken.
Let us not forget The Word that has been spoken.
His blood shed, we are given life.
Let us not forget the price, what was paid,
By the Only One who Saves.
To be Born again. In Spirit, and in The Truth.
Power, Love, and Sound Mind.
The Holy Spirit is what we need in this time.
The Lord is with you, as He was even in your Youth.
The Shepard, whom gentle Leads, and guides.
We need no other by our side.
Gentle, AllMighty and True.
Our Strong Tower, Always Faithful, and Full of Love.
His Spirit Gentle as a Dove.