To The Remnant #28

To The Remnant #28. A message to our brothers and sisters going through these rough times during end days. Written from a dear sister in Jesus Christ.

The Remnant 3.2
What is it then, for the hearts of all who seek.
Yet do not seem to find, let them knock I pray before the final time.
Wars and rumors of wars, pestilence’s and famines, earthquakes in diverse places.
The beginning of sorrows, as we have seen and heard.
It is as a women in travail giving birth.
There will be no greater time of tribulation on the earth.
Mens hearts will wax cold, fainting in fear of what is to come, and is nearly here.
We however, are not given a spirit of fear, but power love and sound mind.
We will not be taken as a thief in these times.
No famine for us, our daily bread. We are fed.
Seeking Him each day, our hearts will not stray, for we have The Light.
We are not blinded, but are given sight for in the Truth we Abide.
Let us not let lies steal, and be a thorn in our side.
For there is no darkness that can overtake us, no evil that can destroy us.
For greater is He that in us than that which is in the world.
His Name is Almighty, The One who saves, He is our Refuge and Strength.
The King of Peace, The Author of Love.
For there is none greater than Him above.
Why should we fear, that which has come and is nearly here.
Are you not more valuable than a sparrow?
Beloved, do not fear the arrows, for He is our Shield.
Let us not yield in this season, for the harvest is many
yet the workers are few.
There is no other good to do, than to share that which has been given freely to you. For The Truth alone sets hearts free.
For its only be lies are we held in captivity.
For the battle is already won, our Victory is found in Him alone.
No flesh or blood, no power or principalities, no evil from above, or below.
Will ever remove Him from The Heavenly Throne.
What has been lost that has not been known?
By Him alone we walk, and breath.
By Him alone we live and see.
By Him alone we are set Free.
So Let us sing a new song, for it is unto Him we belong

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