How I Absolutely Know That the “Thorn in the Flesh” Bible Verse Has Been Changed by the Mandela Effect: Jacob Israel
Written by Carol Serpa (Grams Gold) on .
Jacob Israel has a large Youtube channel and has known about the Mandela Effect on the Bible since 2016. He is well-versed in the Bible and was the head writer for a Christian television network for 20 years. Jacob has undeniable proof that a verse changed in the Bible, as he wrote an article based on this one verse and shows you the actual text.
When he later went back to it, he then noticed the exact words he copied verbatim for the article had been altered supernaturally, and concluded it was a Mandela Effect.
7 And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure.
The change in the Bible speaks to the controversy surrounding the matter of if Satan or if God sent Paul the thorn in the flesh. Jacob contends that it used to say that God sent the messenger to impart the infirmity (the thorn in the flesh). This proves that God allows hardships in our life, even sending them to us, to purify our characters. This proves that everything that happens in our life, does so for a reason. God is in control of all that happens to us, so do not despair.
The interpretation that God sends us trials, and his grace is sufficient for us, is comforting. It allows us to believe that we are being guided by God and he won't give us anything we can't handle.
Jacob can also be found on these other platforms:
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The passage change about the thorn in the flesh starts around minute 37: