The Third Strand of DNA and the Plan to Use Our Bodies as 6G Antennae
Written by Carol Serpa (Grams Gold) on .
Never mind the “wolf and the lamb” dwelling together. Now we have to worry about the “wolf and the human” dwelling together in our own human bodies. Last year Queen Elizabeth held a weird ceremony lighting up the ground with thousands of lights that depicted DNA with a third strand.

Back that up with London's Olympic ceremony showing dancing nurses surrounding children in hospital beds with black monsters jumping on their beds, and we can see a planned agenda. These satanic rituals are masquerading as sports and cultural entertainmant, but that couldn't be further from the truth. As they say, the truth is hidden in plain sight, and all we need to do is read between the lines.

Over 600 million Covid injections have been administered in the US. Much of the damage has already been done. 15% have been "fully vaccinated" to date, with at least 2 shots.
Way back in 2012, the London Olympics opening ceremony showed the Covid plandemic, and focused on children. The music was taken from the movie The Exorcist.

So what can we glean from this? That the covid pandemic was planned, and that the main focus is on the children. What do we see today?

In October 2022 a CDC panel unanimously voted to add the Covid-19 vaccine to the recommended childhood schedule. One reason for this is to allow a full liability immunity to pharmaceutical companies when it is fully approved.
These deadly decisions will institutionalize "murder by injection" as the mainstream media gaslights the public that the shots are "safe and effective". Doctors are being monetarily incentivized to push these dangerous vaccines on children.

The brainwashing psychological operation is in full swing.
Take a look at videos of the London Olympics ceremony:
Now let's fast forward to the fact that millions of people have been "shot up" and are showing up on cellphones as having a bluetooth signal. There are many people who now have a blue tooth MAC address from taking the C19 injection. These people are now trackable.

However, it must eventually come to pass as it says in the Bible that
And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.
Could it be that the Covid injections have inserted a third strand of DNA into humans? Interestingly, each strand has 72,000 chromosomes for a current total of 144,000. If you add a third strand, then you have 216,000 chromosomes.
If you multiply 6 X 60 X 600 you get 216,000. These are all Biblical numbers:
And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel. (This number is the number of people that were seaped by God, and are going to heaven.)
Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. (This number is a bad number, for those who have taken the Mark of the Beast. (6 x 60 x 600 )
When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:
Could it be that the third strand of DNA inserted into the human genome is the number of the Beast? Revelation 13: 18 says it is the number of a man. Could it be that it is the abomination of desolation is that insertion of the 72,000 chromosomes being set up in the temple, (the body is the temple)?
In Revelation 13:18 , the word count means to calculate using math. This is what is done by multiplying 6 X 60 X 600. Take away the zeros and you have 666. The common way to see numbers in Freemasonry (luciferianism) is to eliminate the zeroes.
Now let's observe another weird ceremony in 2022 by Queen Elizabeth depicting a third strand of DNA, with a DNA lighted tree at the end of the DNA strand. Could this mean that the third strand of DNA will lead to the Tree of Knowledge?

IPerson Org
…researchers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst believe using humans as antennas to power 6G may be the most viable way to harvest additional energy “ (Think the Matrix)
Using humans as Power Sources for Electronic Devices
Could it be that this DNA modification has enabled the human body to be an antenna? We have to be extremely careful about changing our DNA, as we believe that is the reason God flooded the earth. The fallen angels mated with humans and created a different breed with mixed DNA.
In the 123 Video below, Stan from the Prophecy Club states, "A scientist explained that the reason they would want to put a chip in your hand is because the movement of the hand would create the energy necessary to charge it. They are now in the process of setting this up."
“Instead of using radio signals to send information wirelessly, it uses the light from LEDs that can turn on and off, up to one million times per second.”
“LED bulbs can then transmit data, and 'anything with a camera, like our smartphones, tablets, or laptops coud be the receiver'".

Stan also discusses Med Beds and how he believes they will change your DNA and are not to be used. Listen to more in the second video below.