You don't just place God within your own plans. He fits you into HIS!

It’s that moment when you come to and realize that you did something wrong without thinking about it…without even realizing what it is that you have done. In all things realize that it is God that is in control of how everything plays out and not you.

When we learned scriptures we came to an understanding of exactly WHO Jesus Christ and our Father in heaven really are. Once we learned this, we chased after Jesus to find Him and get to know Him. It was then that we prayed to Father telling Him that we understood why God send His Son here to die for us and that we wanted to have an everlasting relationship with Him that would last forever and ever.

Scriptures were inspired by God written by people who lived here before us that wanted to help us follow in the same footsteps to find Jesus Christ. They wrote it because they wanted to help us have a relationship with our Father in heaven. It was not meant to be turned into an idol, but to be used as a tool (an aide) so that we could understand why we were created and make the decision for ourselfs if we chose to have a relationship with Him or not.
Scriptures were inspired by God written by people who lived here before us that wanted to help us follow in the same footsteps to find Jesus Christ. They wrote it because they wanted to help us have a relationship with our Father in heaven. It was not meant to be turned into an idol, but to be used as a tool (an aide) so that we could understand why we were created and make the decision for ourselfs if we chose to have a relationship with Him or not.

I'm not good with describing sports but I had a dream that made me really think about the race that we are to run with endurance. Imagine, if you will, the sport of racing. Nascar. Let us say that God created this sport and made a racetrack for each and every person that have been created here on earth.

This racetrack is the time God has given you to decide if you will live for Him or if you decide to live for yourself.
This racetrack is the time God has given you to decide if you will live for Him or if you decide to live for yourself.

The racetrack He has given you is possibly multiple things. It can be the time that He has given you on this earth to decide if you wish to follow Jesus Christ or to live for yourself. It could be the plan that God has made especially tailored for you to live out this life because He loved you enough in doing so.

Now racing is a dangerous sport. It is very easy to crash into other drivers. You could damage your car from debris on the road or even loose control of the vehicle from dangerous speeds or even from oil on the road that could make your tires loose traction. The sad reality is that none of us are good drivers at all. We all make mistakes (sins) and it only takes one to put your vehicle out of commission for good.

Because we commit sins that separates us from God. It is the same as a car that gets totaled in Nascar. We are unable to finish and win the race from there with a wrecked vehicle..
Because we commit sins (Sins are anything that are in disobedience to God.) it is our own mistakes that separates us from God. It is the same as a car that gets totaled in Nascar. We are unable to finish and win the race from there with a wrecked vehicle.

Our loving Father knew that we would all fall short and be unable to win the race on our own. He knew that none of us would be able to live a sin-less life. We'd all be stranded on the side of the racetrack because our vehicles would be too damaged to continue onward to the end of the race. It was then that God sent His Son Jesus Christ to run this race for us because we could not do it ourselves.

Because we could not finish the race ourselves Jesus would live here and finish the race in our place.
Because we could not finish the race ourselves Jesus would live here and finish the race in our place.

This path to salvation was given to us because our Father in heaven loves us, but it does come with conditions. We have to accept that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who was sent by God, lived a perfect life (that is to say He would never wreck His vehicle on the racetrack), and died for us so that we could be with Him and Father once this is all over for all eternity. It is our choice to follow Him or to live for ourselves. You can either stay in your wrecked vehicle on the side of the track or get in the racecar with Jesus to complete the race.

So we have established that God created each and every one of us. We have our car (Our body/soul? I'm not great with analogies.) We have the plan that God made for each and every one of us (the racetrack). Lastly, we have Jesus who will win the race for us when we mess up, but we have to choose to follow Him to do so. We have to get into the racecar with Jesus in order to finish the race. Doing it ourselves could and never would be possible because we have all fallen short of the Glory of God. We have all committed sins against God and we are not perfect. We make mistakes.

Now a driver will take into consideration the needs of his passengers, but it is ultimately up to the driver that decides how things are going to go. You don't just demand that the driver does something just because it is something that you want for yourself. Such things can be outside of the plans that God have for you. Jesus will continue to finish the race, but He won't make you stay in the vehicle with Him. That is a choice that you must make for yourself.

Something like this where you end up living selfeshly for yourself you not only wander away from following Jesus but you possibly leave the racetrack itself outside of where you are supposed to be. This is living for yourself instead of following Jesus. This is not how you should be having a relationship with Jesus Christ and our Father in heaven.

By living for yourself and not following God you are following your own path and not the one made for you. Not only are you no longer running on the racetrack that was made for you, but you are traveling away from it! How do you win a race when you are stuck out in the desert?
By living for yourself and not following God you are following your own path and not the one made for you. Not only are you no longer running on the racetrack that was made for you, but you are traveling away from it! How do you win a race when you are stuck out in the desert?

So we faithfully follow Jesus and run the race with endurance to the end. Then we will get to live our lives with Him for eternity with all of our brothers and sisters through Jesus Christ. He helps us and will provide for our needs, but there is only one clear path to the end. There is only one road that leads to salvation, but many lead to being eternally separated from God. That is why trying to be a back seat driver can and will never work. It is not for us to decide how this plays out. That has already been determined and even written about in scriptures from visions that were given to John from God.

We know things are going to get progressively worse in the end days and there is nothing we can really do to stop it. It's not something you can pray against because it was already in the plans of how everything would play out being in scriptures as a constant reminder to us. We can not stop scriptures from changing supernaturally because that was also told to us that this can and will happen...and it did just as we were told! We just didn't understand how this would take place. We thought that our bibles would get taken away from us physically, but none of us could have ever thought that scriptures would be changed supernaturally in order to make people depart from the plan given to us and follow after the demons that have infiltrated scriptures. We stick to what we learned growing up. We continue to follow Jesus to the very end.

Raise/teach a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6
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