Prophet Has Vision of Bible Changes and Mandela Effect

I was contacted by a sister in the Lord from Africa who follows a prophet named Vicki Goforth Parnell. She sent me a recent vision by her which perfectly matches the Bible Changes and Mandela Effect and what causes it. If this woman is a true prophet of God, then what she is describing explains how and why it is happening,

including why many people do not see that changes. If what she saw is true, we can expect many more bizarre occurences to happen. In other words - "We ain't seen nothing yet!"


Title of Vision:

What The CERN's Portal Type Machine is doing to our world dream

7/18/22-7/23/22, published 7/25/22

Excerpts from the vision and added emphasis in brackets and bold:

“Okay, then, what happens when they open a portal? You say they’ve already ripped a hole in our protective shielding.” “Daughter, listen to Me closely. These portals are being opened for many, many reasons, and not just to bring demons forth over time, or items to be retrieved that Satan your enemy is making available to them, such as the ‘dark matter’, the ‘black goo’, and many other things. There will be changes made, as men and women begin traveling more through space and time, as these particle accelerators rip open the fabric of space and time to open portals in different eras of time.Many strange things shall be seen from these hidden activities that these evil people do.


In some instances, events and things will be changed in the past, altering the future, such as seeing a person that you remember yourself has died, even buried, you even mourned over, and is now alive. You would still have the memory of their death, because the machine activities cannot erase the memory, for Father God has made the mind of man and his memory unique and superior in many ways over the rest of our creation found inside these walls. [We have many accounts of people dying and coming back to life and then dying again: Nelson Mandela, in which the effect is named after, Billy Graham and more.]

 There will be what is called a mirroring effect, not one but two types. The first is done by manipulating the mind/memory of a person, with suggestions about why what’s being seen is possible. It’s provided by the millions and billions of nanobots found in so many people after their many world-wide fake inoculations and boosters for a fake cure. So many more other batches of medicine which now contain the mRNA technique that your world’s public are not aware of. [People whose names have been changed don't even remember their own name,how it used to be.] 

The second type of mirroring effect is when something will have a reflected image before them to be seen and displayed, but there will be no shiny surface or any substance found for this image to have reflected off, to be created. The first mirroring effect, that manipulates the mind by the nanobots,that antichrist will use to send suggestions through and eventually control the people with, who do not have Me in their hearts, who do not have Me as their Savior, will also manipulate the mind’s memory to keep from remembering correctly how things had been originally.

This is one of the reasons I have been urging My children to learn and memorize My holy word, My Scriptures of truth. Also,this is why My children are to put on My mind, the Mind of Christ, which is found to be strong, sound, and sturdy, even unmoving.

 As these people go back into time more and more, which will be made more possible by their newly discovered particles of the building blocks I created to form the universe, they will try to do more than just change my written holy word, which they have done already. Those who know my word well, will recognize these slightly altered passages, when led by My Holy Spirit to do so. [This whole website is dedicated to the Holy Bible being supernaturally changed.] 

They will try to remove My History, My life, My sacrifice from this world. I will not allow that. They will fail! They will fail because we are in control, Father and I. And I have praying children, who follow the leading of my Holy Spirit faithfully.” “Jesus my love, why would You allow them to alter Your written word?”I asked, not fully understanding why my love would allow these people to do such an evil wicked thing. “Little Daughter, the curses remain in place for all who tamper and alter My holy Scirptures of truth. They shall get their just rewards.s. But it has been allowed to fulfill the Scriptures themselves. This is part of the famine of the word that

my servant Amos talks about in chapter 8, verse 11. But also, what antichrist will seek to change,

found in Daniel chapter 7:25. But it is also necessary, Daughter of Faith, of Grace, of Mercy, of

Understanding, of Wisdom and of Love, to establish the new one world religion. For those of

Mine found in a lukewarm, backslidden, or undecided state, who’s not really ready to accept this

one world religion without Christianity included, they will demand the holy Bible be included

with the collected holy books showing unity in one world religion of unified love. Therefore,

satan and his puppet antichrist realize they cannot have my pure holy Scriptures included and

available to its members, and lead them to Me, the true Savior of your world, so they have begun

altering it bit by bit, then eventually, all one will have of My word is the warped version they

have created. This is one of the reasons also, they’re coming for your holy Bibles, the holy

Scriptures of truth. There will come a time, very soon, when the only available copy to the public

of my holy word is what will be offered by the new one world religion.

Therefore, satan and his puppet antichrist realize they cannot have my pure holy Scriptures included and available to its members, and lead them to Me, the true Savior of your world, so they have begun altering it bit by bit, then eventually, all one will have of My word is the warped version they have created. 

This is one of the reasons also, they’re coming for your holy Bibles, the holy Scriptures of truth. There will come a time, very soon, when the only available copy to the public of my holy word is what will be offered by the new one world religion. 

“Jesus, this is so evil! What else are they planning to do with these portals and time traveling?” “Antichrist has been sending forces from the past and gathering gold and silver in abundance, to store in the past, to be acquired in the future. This gold and silver, they shall use to buy or bribe the people to serve them. 

The portal will also be heralded upon in your news as one of the ways the aliens, the demons portraying them, shall gain access to your world by a signal locator, through a portal. There will be moments in time, when some people will realize they have just repeated an action for the second time, identical in every way as the first event. This is another side effect of the particle accelerator upon some people.

Here is the entire vision, which is quite lengthy:

What The CERN's Portal Type Machine is doing to our world dream 7/18/22-7/23/22, published 7/25/22

I had this dream over the course of several nights. It started on 7/18/22 and ended on 7/23/22.

This dream started a few days in the past, I knew somehow, to the day that the particle

accelerator machine, the portal machine at the CERN location in Switzerland, is going to be

turned on to full power, the next day. This is the day before. I knew somehow also that they were

amping his machine on and off to full power, for various lengths of time, before the actual day

when it would go to full power. Aligning its activation with its sister sites, located in Oakridge

TN, both made public. But also unannounced, was their sister site in the Antarctica. Both

Tennessee and the Antarctica sites are smaller type machines, but both contained the power to

open portals, the same technology found in the CERN facility. I knew all this upon entering this


I found myself floating up in space, looking down upon our world. I recognized, by the shape of

the outline of the land mass, I appear to be looking down upon Europe. I could see a clear-like

shield that our world was encased in. “What’s this?” I hear myself ask out loud. To my surprise,

I hear a voice respond “That’s the earth’s stratosphere, that protects your world from the harmful

rays of the sun’s radiation. It also protects against the full force of the moon’s gravitational pull

upon your world, especially the waters of the deep.” I turned my head to see who was speaking,

but I already knew, because I recognized well the voice of my beloved, my lovely Jesus. “Jesus,

my Love,” I exclaimed out loud, as joy, love, filled my heart and soul! “Yes, little daughter, my

love, my bride, it is I” He said softly. “Why are we here, Jesus? Why am I seeing the earth and

its stratosphere, it’s ozone layers clearly?” “I wish for you to observe closely, and tell me what

you see,” He replied. “Okay”, I said lovingly to Him. He smiled at me, nodded His head ever so

slightly indicating that He desired for me to look back at our world, which I did quickly.

As I am watching, I see a flash of light on the surface below, or right above it. I’m not 100% sure

which it is. “What was that, Jesus? “ “Watch, Daughter, watch”, He replied. Suddenly, I see a

place in the upper atmosphere begin to be pulled downward, toward the earth. It almost appears

like the protective stratosphere is being pulled downward to the earth below, and looks

somewhat like a narrow test tube from top to bottom. “Lord, Lord!”, I exclaimed in surprise,

“what’s it doing to the ozone layer, the stratosphere?” “Little Daughter, the forceful pull upon it

is beginning to weaken it.” “Oh no, Jesus, do they know that it’s doing this? – the scientists and

people behind these tests, the running of this machine and those like it at the CERN locations?”

Jesus looked at me momentarily with a brief look of sadness in His beautiful blue fiery eyes, and

I immediately felt the sadness in my heart. “What is it, my love? Why did my question bring you

sadness?” He replied softly “Little Daughter, they know the risk but do not care”. “What happens

then if the machine turns on to full power, plus the other two smaller type particle accelerator

portals – the portal openers? What happens then, my lovely Jesus?” “Let me show you oh

daughter of Mine.” And with one swooping wave of His hand, we passed from the day beginning

to get dark to the sun shining brightly outside. We had walked into another day.

We are once again floating in space, but we, Jesus and I, are now closer to the stratosphere itself,

above Switzerland, and I felt we are above, more exactly, the CERN machine’s location. I

looked at my lovely Jesus questioningly. “Dearest Daughter of Faith, of Grace, of Mercy, of

Understanding, of Wisdom and Love, I am about to answer your question. Look and behold” He

said, as He pointed to the land below. Once again, I see what looks like lights or lightning, for a

brief moment on the land where my lovely Jesus was pointing. Within minutes afterwards, I saw

the pulling down of the outer sphere, the stratosphere around the earth, pulling down, forming

what looked like, again, a very long test tube, where something was pulling the ozone layer, the

stratosphere straight downward, with a tremendous amount of force. But this time, it’s different

than before, I see what looks like two more smaller test tubes being formed. One is to the

southwest, and the other more toward the south. “It has to be”, I thought, “the sister sites of

Antarctica and Tennessee being turned on to full power, simultaneously here with this machine,

the portal accelerator machine here in Switzerland, in the CERN location Jesus and I are

hovering over. I can see the increased pressure on our ozone layer and the outer stratosphere, is

causing an intense pressure upon it. Suddenly, I see a slight jerk in the largest test tube shape

over the location in Switzerland, and I feel something very bad has just happened! “Jesus, Jesus,

my love, what just happened?” “The portal devices, the combined forces, and pulling on the

earth’s outer stratosphere, has caused a rupture, a hole within it. Yet they continue to leave this

machine on. This machine, or any of these other portal type machines, on full power, -it shall rip

and crack even further”, He answered softly.

“Can’t you stop this, sweet Jesus?” I asked in deep concern over what has just happened. “Yes,

My love, My Daughter, I can, but I will not. This is a direct result of man’s disobedience to Me.

Man’s failure to repent of their sin. I have sent many warnings, mostly ignored by all. Now they

shall reap what they have sown, but like a pebble cast into the water, a dribbling effect shall

spread out to all on the earth. “ “What kind of effects will this hold, and this portal machine

cause to us,” I asked somberly. “Little Daughter, immediate results shall be seen from the skies,

with unusual lightning flashes and odd color skies that shall only continue to intensify as time

passes. Come Daughter” He said as He took my hand and pulled Himself closer to me.” “Where

are we going, my lovely Jesus, if I may ask?” He looked at me gently, and smiled a smile that

reached into His eyes and then said, “Little Daughter, I’m going to take you through time to see

things still yet to come when the CERN machine is left in full non-stop power, plus reveal to you

some of the changes caused by the hole in the ozone layer, its outer layer called the stratosphere,

so you can warn all, not to become deceived by your enemy Satan and his forces controlled by

antichrist upon your world.” “Oh, okay Jesus, please Lord I ask in Your name, help me to

understand fully, what I am seeing.” “Done, My love, come now” He spoke again, and the scene


Next scene.

I found that we are now somewhere upon the earth. The ground is dry and hot, even brittle, it’s

very, very hot here with the heat at a sweltering temperature. The sun rays are boring into the top

of my head and upon my skin. No longer does its rays feel warm and inviting, but hurtful and

harsh. I looked around in dismay. It looks like the whole area has been burned by fire. The

ground is black and charred, with debris and ashes everywhere. “What happened here, Jesus my

love? Where are we?” “Where we are at right now, little Daughter of Faith, of Grace, of Mercy,

of Understanding, of Wisdom and Love, is not important, for there are now to be found many

such places like this upon your world, the earth.” “But why?” I asked. “With the hole inside the

protective layer of the ozone, the stratosphere, present and slowly expanding, and the pull and

pressure on it from the portal machine at CERN’s location in Europe, the sun’s radiation has

been now allowed through, directly to the earth, with no more full filtering to keep the harmful

and damaging effects out. If it continues over time, it shall literally scorch the earth and dry up

water, the water sources far and wide.” “Oh Jesus, oh no! But if it lets the sun’s full power, what

is the moon’s effect upon the earth?” I asked. “That’s a good question, My love, My daughter.

The gravitational pull it has upon your earth will be stronger, because it too is no longer filtered

by the stratosphere” He replied. “But what does this do to our world, then” I asked, starting to

only now really realize how bad this could really become. “It shall have a greater effect upon the

ocean’s pull and the waters of the deep.” “Meaning what, Jesus?” I asked cautiously. “Little

Daughter, it means, bigger waves, even tsunamis and tidal waves, fiercer storms.

This world was created in perfect balance, called forth and ordained by the Father, Father God

and Me. Man has been warned about trying to play ‘being my Father, being Me’.” “Okay, then,

what happens when they open a portal? You say they’ve already ripped a hole in our protective

shielding.” “Daughter, listen to Me closely. These portals are being opened for many many

reasons, and not just to bring demons forth over time, or items to be retrieved that Satan your

enemy is making available to them, such as the ‘dark matter’, the ‘black goo’, and many other

things. There will be changes made, as men and women begin traveling more through space and

time, as these particle accelerators rip open the fabric of space and time to open portals in

different eras of time. Many strange things shall be seen from these hidden activities that these

evil people do. In some instances, events and things will be changed in the past, altering the

future, such as seeing a person that you remember yourself had died even buried, you even

mourned over, and is now alive. You would still have the memory of their death, because the

machine activities cannot erase the memory, for Father God has made the mind of man and his

memory unique and superior in many ways over the rest of our creation found inside these walls.

There will be what is called a mirroring effect, not one but two types. The first is done by

manipulating the mind / memory of a person, with suggestions about why what’s being seen is

possible. It’s provided by the millions and billions of nanobots found in so many people after

their many world-wide fake inoculations and boosters for a fake cure. So many more other

batches of medicine which now contain the mRNA technique that your world’s public are not

aware of. The second type of mirroring effect is when something will have a reflected image

before them to be seen and displayed, but there will be no shiny surface or any substance found

for this image to have reflected off, to be created. The first mirroring effect, that manipulates the

mind by the nanobots, that antichrist will use to send suggestions through and eventually control

the people with, who do not have Me in their hearts, who do not have Me as their Savior, will

also manipulate the mind’s memory to keep from remembering correctly how things had been

originally. This is one of the reasons I have been urging My children to learn and memorize My

holy word, My Scriptures of truth. Also, this is why My children are to put on My mind, the

Mind of Christ, which is found to be strong, sound, and sturdy, even unmoving.

As these people go back into time more and more, which will be made more possible by their

newly discovered particles of the building blocks I created to form the universe, they will try to

do more than just change my written holy word, which they have done already. Those who know

my word well, will recognize these slightly altered passages, when led by My Holy Spirit to do

so. They will try to remove My History, My life, My sacrifice from this world. I will not allow

that. They will fail! They will fail because we are in control, Father and I. And I have praying

children, who follow the leading of My Holy Spirit faithfully.” “Jesus my love, why would You

allow them to alter Your written word?” I asked, not fully understanding why my love would

allow these people to do such an evil wicked thing. “Little Daughter, the curses remain in place

for all who tamper and alter My holy Scriptures of truth. They shall get their just rewards. But it

has been allowed to fulfill the Scriptures themselves. This is part of the famine of the word that

my servant Amos talks about in chapter 8, verse 11. But also, what antichrist will seek to change,

found in Daniel chapter 7:25. But it is also necessary, Daughter of Faith, of Grace, of Mercy, of

Understanding, of Wisdom and of Love, to establish the new one world religion. For those of

Mine found in a lukewarm, backslidden, or undecided state, who’s not really ready to accept this

one world religion without Christianity included, they will demand the holy Bible be included

with the collected holy books showing unity in one world religion of unified love. Therefore,

satan and his puppet antichrist realize they cannot have my pure holy Scriptures included and

available to its members, and lead them to Me, the true Savior of your world, so they have begun

altering it bit by bit, then eventually, all one will have of My word is the warped version they

have created. This is one of the reasons also, they’re coming for your holy Bibles, the holy

Scriptures of truth. There will come a time, very soon, when the only available copy to the public

of my holy word is what will be offered by the new one world religion.

“Jesus, this is so evil! What else are they planning to do with these portals and time traveling?”

“Antichrist has been sending forces into the past and gathering gold and silver in abundance, to

store in the past, to be acquired in the future. This gold and silver, they shall use to buy or bribe

the people to serve them. The portal will also be herald upon in your news as one of the ways the

aliens, the demons portraying them, shall gain access to your world by a signal locator, through a

portal. There will be moments in time, when some people will realize they have just repeated an

action for the second time, identical in every way as the first event. This is another side effect of

the particle accelerator upon some people. The continual pull upon space and time by this CERN

machine, My Daughter, My love, shall lead into other things as well, for the people of your

world.” “Like what, my Jesus?” I asked, fully absorbed in His words.

“Many shall even see in the broad expanses of the sky, what looks like double exposure. Like a

picture that has two pictures taken on the one negative causing both to be seen, both at the same

time. A lot of the occurrences still to come, will be from the tampering of your world’s genetic

makeup.” “How are they tampering with our world’s makeup, Jesus? What is this going to do to

our world?” I asked in stunned horror, knowing this cannot be good. I remember seeing some of

man’s tampering when I saw horrible experiments in the fallen ones and nephilim labs in their

underground hidden facilities. Jesus looked at me lovingly, having seen in my mind the pictures

of horror I had just recalled. He spoke gently to me these words “Little daughter, this is what

happens when man begins to try to play God, tries to be Me, and disrupts the balance of things

that were created in perfection, in the days of creation by the command of Him, by the Father,

My Father and Me. Many things shall be seen. The sun will no longer know its rightful place,

when to set or when it shall rise. The lightning flashes from one side of the sky, but vacant on the

other, and the different colored skies, are all signs of portal activity and changes being made,”

He replied softly.

“But why, Jesus my love, what do they hope to accomplish?” I asked questioningly, and tried to

understand all I’m hearing. “Daughter of Faith, of Grace, of Mercy, of Understanding, of

Wisdom and Love, your enemy satan is reconstructing your world, just like he’s been

reconstructing its people, when your DNA has been changed from the taking of the mRNA

DNA-changing inoculations to cure fake illnesses” He said somberly. “They’ve what?!” I asked

in surprise. He responded quickly to my reply “They are recreating the world into a world satan

can rule fully in at his appointed time. All creation is stamped in one way or another with Father

God’s signature, our fingerprints. For I and My Father are one, we are the same, yet also separate

at the same time. The altering of the world’s fabric, of animal DNA spliced into another species.

The cloning techniques used on both human and other created life are just two of the ways that

satan has been altering and recreating a world where our fingerprints are no longer identifying as

it was created by Father, Jehovah God in heaven, and by Me. “Oh dear Jesus, please help us!

Help our world!” I cried out in desperation. “Little Daughter, man has refused to repent and to

return unto Me, their holy God and Creator, the Savior of this world. They do not want Me, as a

whole people, to step in and help. This is being allowed to fulfill Scripture, both the written and

the spoken because Satan’s allotted time to rule, through antichrist, the man of sin, is upon this

world. And with this time comes the fake aliens portrayed by demons, and many more of his

unholy hoard, once bound.” “Oh no! Oh no!” I said sorrowfully.

Then I began thinking, and asked “Jesus, my love, with the hole in the atmosphere, and the

constant pull that’s causing it to rip and crack as the radiation levels increase from the sun, now

being fully in, what happens when it rains? Does it affect the rain coming down somehow?”

“With all these things affecting the air, the clouds, the atmosphere, when the rain descends and

falls, it will no longer be pure” Jesus said softly. “The water droppings, whether it be rain, sleet,

snow, or hail, will be tainted except for those areas that I protect and purify, in those areas

prayed over by my true children.” “So, in all this happening, Jesus, they have been making this

world more out of balance than it has already been over past times?” I said. “That is correct” He

replied to me.

I watched as Jesus looked over the expanse of charred remains and I saw a tear fall from his right

eye. “Jesus, Jesus my love, I’m sorry that we, your people have turned away from you, as a

whole nation, as a whole world.” “I know, little one” He said softly, and then continued “I see

into your heart” He smiled gently to me and said “But little one, there is more.” “More Jesus?!” I

asked incredulously. “Yes love, there’s more. With all the tampering to your world’s structure,

and causing the unbalance upon your world, it shall cause breathing for some to become labored

and difficult. The rise of illnesses shall occur, in addition to types of cancerous diseases upon

many people as the radiation from the sun intensifies. In the end, Daughter of Faith and Grace, of

Mercy, of Understanding, of Wisdom and Love, there will be only those who have taken the

mark of antichrist, his 666 mark, or those who have been genetically modified through various

means, including the deliberate taking of the mRNA fake injections to cure the widespread

illness that still covers your world.”

“What about Your children, Jesus? If they don’t take the mark or the injections and boosters,

how will they breathe?” “Little Daughter, oh love of mine, my children are not appointed to see

my wrath. When it finally reaches this stage of breathing, My true children will no longer be here

on the earth, as I pour out my fury upon the wicked evil people and antichrist’s kingdom.”

“Thank you, Jesus for this!” I replied in relief. “There will be many times dear Daughter that the

air will be more difficult to breathe than others, but this final change will be purposefully to

sustain life to satan’s mutated recreated world and his desolate children he forever owns. Do not

be surprised, My little one, when sightings come out of ancient cities being seen, or even the

location of the mythological city of Atlantis being found and raised. They will go back into time

to find its location and raise it, for inside of it is a bountiful supply of nephilim technology, taken

from man, at its sinking, that I commanded to remain buried and locked away until satan’s man

of sin, antichrist’s rise to full power. Even Satan and his demons can only do as I command,

because I execute judgment as the courts of heaven order this. I do my Father’s will in all things.

“ “I understand, Jesus, but wow, this is so much! So much information, what would you have me

do with it all?” “Daughter, you are in a dream with Me once again. This time, you share it all,

holding nothing back. Time is about to end, and your world will begin changing more and more

dramatically, before time runs fully out.”

With these words, I came awake immediately, and once again, as in the previous times I dreamed

this dream, I began praying about all I had seen and learned.

Scripture verses:

1 Corinthians 2:16

2 Timothy 1:7

1 Thessalonians 5:9

Isaiah 45:18

Romans 6:12-14

Amos 8:11

Daniel 7:25

Galatians 6:7-8

John 10:30

Matthew 5:45

Here is the link to the specific prophecy.

Here is the prophet's website.

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