Former High Witch Explains How They Dominate Society & Their World Plan
Written by Carol Serpa (Grams Gold) on .
This audio file was taken from John Todd, a former high witch who worked directly for the Council of 13, who take their orders directly from Satan. Fascinating and eye opening. I did not hear one thing he said 50 years ago that has not come to pass, so it lends credibility to his testimony such as creating a fake energy crisis.

Born into a high level coven of witches, Todd was appointed over 12 states at the age of 14. He says Freemasons perform the same initiation ritual as Freemasons, except the witches are naked whereas Freemasons just strip to their underwear. He says that the Illuminati are all witches and that all Presidents are witches as well as most government officials in high office. He describes how there are so many more witches in the US than we imagine, and many want to get out, but can't. They immediately get a $10,000 bounty on their head after initiation, and his was $100,000. Also, they experience "withdrawal effects" worse than coming off of drugs if they decide to leave.
Many are born into it, and they are quite fervent in their "religion", often spending hours a day meditating and doing their rituals. Taught at a young age that Christians are very evil and mean people who are looking to kill them, they really believe they are doing right when they infiltrate and put spells on us. They have a great deal of power and are walking all over Christians.
He tells how he was supposed to be court marshalled and go to jail for 35 years, and the Wiccan Church sent an ambassador to Europe and made it all go away. They are very powerful, and they are everywhere, with their headquarters in England. He said that Lucifer speaks to the higher ups, the Council of 13 in England, because his voice is more easily heard there, as there are only 2% Christians in that country.
Freemasons are lower on the pyramid power scale than the witches, and the 33 degree Masons have to do human sacrifices as well as swear allegiance to Lucifer. They call Jesus "Abaddon" and are members of the Trilateral Council in the US. Witches tell the politicians what to do.
They own over 90% of the businesses, and their grand plan includes eventually bankrupting those businesses and then swoop in with a solution. He says the Standard Oil Company is the main financier and points out how the companies use the 5 pointed star, a pentagram, as their symbol.
Their plans is to pass these laws:
Take away their guns so they can go house to house, raping and killing people
Take away church tax exemption
Pass a law punishable by death where people will not able to convert anyone who was born into a certain faith,
Martial law act (passed)
Prevent us from having in our possession over 1 month's supply of food and fuel
Lucifer is the god of the rainbow.

Freemasons are lower on the pyramid power scale than the witches, and the 33 degree Masons have to do human sacrifices as well as swear allegiance to Lucifer. They call Jesus "Abaddon" and are members of the Trilateral Council in the US.
Witches tell the politicians what to do.
They own over 90% of the businesses, and their grand plan includes eventually bankrupting those businesses and then swoop in with a solution. He says the Standard Oil Company is the main financier and points out how the companies use the 5 pointed star, a pentagram, as their symbol.
Their plans is to pass these laws:
- Take away all guns so they can go house to house, raping and killing people
- Take away church tax exemption
- Pass a law punishable by death where people will not able to convert anyone who was born into a certain faith,
- Martial law act (passed)
- Prevent us from having in our possession over 1 month's supply of food and fuel
Listen to the fascinating audio in this video to hear much more:
Witchcraft is being heavily promoted to our young people as demonsrated in what is being sold to them at Walmart: