Welcome to 2024!
Written by Makingspace on .
Happy New Year to all of you! Let’s look back to when this started and be hopeful for what the Lord brings in the year to come.
Goodbye 2023…Hello 2024! We made it through yet another year of the unexpected. Many of us thought years ago, the Lord would have already returned. The signs and tribulations have been shouting at us for close to a decade now for some. Yet none of it played out how we expected.
The first real mass awakening can be tracked back to the 2015-16 era which at the time of this writing was about NINE YEARS AGO!
Some familiar names in our community could tell you of what happened and how they woke up during that time. One person told me that around that time she had been sitting with her husband reading the bible, and when she happened to be in Isaiah 11:6 and witnessed the letters literally float off the page, become semi-translucent in front of her, and then descend back down to the book all while changing mid-air and trans-mutating into what they are now…the infamous “wolf dwelling with the lamb”. Another friend of mine speaks of a similar but even more ominous event she witnessed around the same time. She claims that as she was watching a TV show with her husband and while they were in an argument, the lights suddenly dimmed and the TV went to static. Then the lights started flickering and she heard a growl, and suddenly what appeared to be wolf eyes appeared on the TV that was still running static in the background. Her bible had been left open to Isaiah 11:6 now reading what it says today with the wolf imposter.

There seem to be many stories like this and many more that are more subtle of people suddenly reading the “wolf dwelling with the lamb” in Isaiah 11:6 around 2015-2016. Ever since then, new waves of people waking up to the supernatural bible changes have rolled in like the ocean tide every 1 to 2 years.
How this whole event happened is anyone’s guess because to this day one can find archaic paleo Hebrew manuscripts, or bibles from hundreds of years ago that bear witness to the reality that the bible has always said “the wolf shall dwell with the lamb” in Isaiah 11:6. This writer has personally verified this by holding in hand some of the oldest bibles known to man by visiting the Harry Ransom Center where guests can check out archaic texts from carefully stored and protected archives.

How is this happening though? In one instant, we seemed to have witnessed the text change from “the lion shall lay with the lamb” to the “the wolf”, yet history testifies to the “wolf” always being there.
We are literally existing within what can only be described as a paradox!
And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws, and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.
Our fellow friends and family and Christian Brethren who deny our pleas to wake up, seem to rely on the physical evidence that testifies to “a different reality”, while those of us here reading and sympathizing with this message know in our heart we are in a “different place” where time has indeed "divided". However, we are in this different place together, and I for one cherish that we are one in Christ together in this time.

So here we are together entering into a 2024, anticipating what will happen next. In this past year, some have had a very difficult year beyond the persistent PTSD that the bible changes have caused in our lives. Some have lost close friends or family, or spouses. Others have been separated, divorced, or seriously hurt emotionally, while still others continue to struggle financially, emotionally, or physically…or ALL of the above. Whatever your burden is Friend, I pray God pours His peace, love, kindness, mercy, and grace over your lives in 2024. Know that we are still in this battle together. We are traversing the unknown together, and we will persevere this time together in Jesus’ name and by His strength!