Rhianna's Name Has Changed By the Mandela Effect
Written by Carol Serpa (Grams Gold) on .
Another day, another Mandela Effect. Rhianna’s name has been changed by transposing two letters. It seems that Satan is too afraid to change much more than a letter or two in a word, for fear he will be exposed. But by keeping it barely noticeable, he can cause people to doubt their memories and be confused and disoriented.

The Superbowl half-time show by Rhianna this year was another depraved performace rich in Satanic imagery. Red is Lucifer's favorite color, so the costumes were in red. Disgusting touching of crotches, holding up the Illuminati sign and sticking out of the tongue rendered the show to again be unwatchable by children. No, sticking out the tongue is not a sign of strength, but of rebellion.
Whom are you mocking? Against whom do you open your mouth wide and stick out your tongue? Are you not children of transgression, the offspring of deceit
In fact, sticking out the tongue goes way back to sun worship and cannabilism. In today's world it is suggested to be rude and even sexually provocative. Either way, it is a derogatory, vile gesture.

Again, we can just literally lump all of today's most popular musicians as demonic. It has been said of musician insiders that they are required to sell their soul in order to be made famous.
And now we see that Rhianna's name has been changed from Rhianna to Rihanna. It must be some sort of badge of honor to get your name changed, as we have seen with Joel Olsteen-changed to Osteen, Sally Fields-changed to Field, Christopher Reeves-changed to Reeve, John Hopkins-changed to Johns, Judy Mikovitz-changed to Mikovitz and Stephen Hawkings-changed to Hawking.
Here is some residual to prove Rhianna's name has changed:

And if you are thinking that all these sources just spelled her name wrong, let's go to a website that lists all the names in the world and their meanings.

Ok, well maybe there is another spelling to that name. Results? NADA But if you are a Mandela Effect denier, you will say that it is common for parents to name their kids with different spellings. So there is always a reason to avoid looking at the truth.
You see, people don't want to know the truth. It messes with their brain. But if you are reading this, you are not one of those dullard normies.

And while I am on the topic of Rhianna, it would be remiss of me to ignore the idea that she could be a transvestite. If you are not familiar with the work of Mr. E, his recent work can be found here. His older work from a few years back was deleted, but that's where I got educated as to how to spot one of these transgender entities. You see, there is a spiritual reason for the elite transgenderism. They believe that God created man as a being that was both male and female. Therefore, as a sacrament to their God (Lucifer) they mutilitate their body, which they have been convinced elevated them to a level of godhood, like the original created humans.
Also, it has been documented in Luciferian doctrine that having homosexual sex, meaning man on man penetration, is an instant portal for demons to inhabit the human body. It is especially effective when done on a child before age 5. Many muslims practice this as a daily part of life and think nothing of it. I won't go any further into this disgusting topic, but it relates to sex magic, which gives power to the participants. Many of the Hollywood transvestites could have been transitioned before puberty by their parents, due to their parents gaining power by "sacrificing their children".
But....you say....she is pregnant! She has already given birth before! Ok, need I slap you in the face now, of just tell you to go get a cup of coffee so you can wake the hell up, because everything they can fake in Hollywood movies, they can fake in real life. All these transgendered women in Hollywood wear fake prosthetics around their bellies to mimic whatever month pregnancy they are in.
The Golden Age of Abomination
Why am I devoting so much time to transgenderism? Because it is the next step, on the way to trans-humanism. It is a precursor to trans-humanism, which is the merging of Artificial Intelligence with humans. Cyborgs, so to speak.
taking the neural link will make you a cyborg, so don’t think otherwise.
It will merge iron (robotic intelligence and physicality) with clay (human).
And as you saw the iron mixed with common clay,so they will combine with one another in the seed of men;but they will not merge [for such diverse things or ideologies cannot unite],even as iron does not mix with clay.
The iron is representative of the machine of qrtificial intelligence, or robotics, and the clay represents man, which is made of the dust, or the clay, of the ground. Here are a few transvestigation photos of Rhianna: