The End Times Blog
He who hath eyes to see let him see.
He who hath ears to hear let him hear.Gone but not forgotten.
CNN Incorrectly Addresses the Mandela Effect Using Scientists to Bolster Their False Narrative
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CNN published an article on the Mandela Effect and attempted to brush it under the rug as ‘misremembering.’ …And a Third Part of Mankind was Killed-Fetal Deaths from Vaccinated Mothers
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Dr. James Thorp, a seasoned OB/GYN doctor for decades, was offered very large bribes to be quiet, but refused to take …The Imminent Transhumanism and the Mark of the Beast
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Nicholson 1968 believes that movies show you part of the truth, albeit mixed with lies, but can show you what is really …The Prophecy Club's Predictions for 2023-2024
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The Prophecy Club has been compiling and analyzing various prophecies from different prophets for decades. The …U2 Concert Flashes "Nelson Mandela" During Subliminal Brainwashing Session
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The video below shows film of a recent U2 concert in which rapidly flashing words are played for a half hour straight …Demonic Highway to Sodom and Gomorrah
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So we have the entire month of June dedicated to the sin of PRIDE, and the entire month of October dedicated to …Mandela Effect Residue in Tattoos
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See some hard to find residue for many Mandela Effects.Bible Game Reveals Supernatural Bible Changes
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Evidence of how the King James Bible used to read is uncovered in a Bible trivia game. Surely, when the game was …Are You Ready For PsyOp 2.0?
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The press secretary has said that masks and lockdowns will be coming up. Will you be standing for truth and freedom, or …