The Tribe of Judah Changed to JUDAS-and I Caught the Change!
Written by Carol Serpa (Grams Gold) on .
As I was looking over an old article to republish, I noticed that a screenshot of Matthew 1:2 and 3 said the word JudaH with an H at the end, and today it has no H. A criminal lawyer would say this is a smoking gun, and I say it’s proof the Bible has been changed. If any naysayers want to analyze the image to see if it’s photoshopped, go for it!

Note that I am comparing apples to apples, as the website where I screenshot Matthew 1:2,3 is The version is KJV, as has no variant versions of the King James.

Now here is the big discrepancy: In 2022, the very same website now has the word JUDAS in place of where it had the JUDAH in 2018.

I even have 2 KJV Bibles that differ, with one having an H at the end, and the other one does not. See Revelation 5:5 here:

All I can say is, prove me wrong on this one!