And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth.

Revelations 19:6


From the notes: thunderings was pearls of thunder. I’m not sure of what “pearls of thunder” would even mean. I don’t even recall this being in Revelations. Alleluia was Hallelujah:. I included the colon because I believe both to be incorrect. Within my bible that I read Halleluyah was spelt with a y. What is weird is spell correction even wants me to use the j when a few years ago y was correct for me. I am sure that God reigns forever. I’m just not sure of the “omnipotent” being used here even though that is true as well.

What I am thinking is that our Heavenly Father is being replaced throughout scriptures with a false-god. It’s a thunder/storm god from Israel supposedly that is called “yahweh”. Oddities seen from both Daniel, Job, and scenes from Moses has led me to believe that this is the case. I’ll continue documenting as I go along.

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